Driver Profile: Meet Alicia Allman

Alicia drives the #77 in the 4-Banger division. Alicia finished 14th in points in 2019. Here’s what she had to say!

Shadyhill Speedway: What is it like to take the green flag on a feature race?

Alicia Allman: It’s exciting to take the green flag in a feature. I’m always excited to see where I will finish and when I do better than the weekend before I’m happy with myself.


Shadyhill Speedway: When and how did you start racing?

Alicia: I started racing about 4 years ago. I had always wanted to do it ever since I was in my early 20’s but never got the nerve up until I found a neon I really liked so I talked to my husband and we decided to go get it.

Shadyhill Speedway: Do you do the mechanical work on your race car?

Alicia:  I do some of the mechanical work but I have to give my husband most of the credit. He is very mechanically inclined!

Shadyhill Speedway: What is your favorite type of music?

Alicia: Country is my favorite type of music but I listen to most everything except hard rock and rap.

Shadyhill Speedway: What’s it like to compete against your husband? Does the competitive nature spill over into other areas of your home life?

Alicia: Competing against my husband is awesome. I love that we both race; although I always want to beat him. It doesn’t come home with us though. At home we help one another out with the cars.

Shadyhill Speedway: Why did you pick the number 77 for your race car?

Alicia: 1977 is the year I was born and that is why I picked 77. Now I’m telling my age!

Shadyhill Speedway: What is your day job?

Alicia: Normally I am a machine operator at Plymouth Tube Company in Winamac but last November I was in a bad accident where another person came across the line and hit me causing my left foot and ankle to be crushed and left leg broke. I have been on one leg since.

Shadyhill Speedway: What is your favorite part of race day?

Alicia: My favorite part of race day is relaxing with friends before racing starts and racing of course.


Shadyhill Speedway: Are you looking forward to the 50 lap special this season?

Alicia: If I was going to be able to race the 50 lap special I would be all sorts of psyched but my foot probably won’t be ready for racing till toward the end of the season.

Shadyhill Speedway: Who is your favorite race car driver?

Alicia: I don’t really have a favorite drive but I do love watching my friends and family race.

Shadyhill Speedway: What are your race plans for 2020?

Alicia: My plans for 2020 are to try to get my foot/ankle and leg recovered and maybe get out on the track towards the end of the season.

We look forward to seeing Alicia back at the track as soon as possible!


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